Mitya had his first tae kwon do class this weekend. At first, he just froze. Would not move at all. Then, slowly, he started punching, kicking, and running. He was so cute! Thank you, God, for that sweet experience.
On Friday, I led the first book club meeting. I felt a little like Mitya probably did. During the class, Mitya would look over at me and I would smile and give him a thumbs up. “You got this, buddy!” During my meeting, I felt my friends doing the same thing. The reality is, we all have a lot to learn, especially if you’re white-belt level. To get to the black belt, we have to study and practice a lot, and not give up. That’s the goal—to focus on the important things and work hard even if I feel like a total novice. Here’s to the the beginner’s mind (and a little beginner luck)!
Have a great week,