Psalm 24 (25)
A Psalm by David
To You, O Lord, I lift up my soul, O my God.
I turst in You, let me not be ashamed;
Let not my enemies laugh at me,
For all who wait upon You shall not be
Let those be ashamed who act
lawlessly in vain.
Make known Your ways to me,
O Lord,
And teach me Your paths,
Lead me in Your truth and teach me,
For You are the God of my salvation,
And on You I wait all the day.
Remember Your compassion, O Lord,
And Your mercy, for they are from of
Do not remember the sins of my
Youth, nor of my ignorance;
But remember me according to Your mercy,
Because of Your loving-kindness,
O Lord.
Good and upright is the Lord;
Therefore He will instruct sinners in
His way.
He will guide the gentle in judgment;
He will teach the gentle His ways.
All the ways of the Lord are mercy
And truth
For those who seek His covenant and
His testimonies.
For Your name’s sake, O Lord,
Pardon my sin, for it is great.
Who is the man who fears the Lord?
He will instruct him in the way He
His soul shall dwell among good
His seed shall inherit the earth.
The Lord is the strength of those who
Fear Him,
And to those who fear Him, His name
Is the Lord,
And He will show them His covenant.
My eyes are always toward the Lord,
For He shall pluck my feet out of the
Look upon me and have mercy on me,
For I am only-begotten and poor.
The afflictions of my heart have widened;
Bring me out of my distresses.
Look on my humiliation and my pain
And forgive all my sins.
Look on my enemies, because they
And they hate me with unjustified
Keep my soul, and deliver me;
Let me not be ashamed, because I
hope in You.
The innocent and the upright cleave to
Because I wait upon You, O Lord.
Redeem Israel, O God,
Out of all his afflictions.
Ps. 24 is a priestly intercession by the Lord Jesus Christ on behalf of His Church, which is the Israel of God. He identifies Himself as only-begotten and poor, for He was the Virgin Mary’s only Child, and He was born into poverty. And although He was hated unjustly, nevertheless, He established the New Testament. So in His New Testament, He intercedes for the Church in prayer, and by lifting up His soul to the Father, He also lifts up the Church to Him in Priestly intercession. And becasue of His intercession, the Church is taught the ways of the Father.
Yes, teach me your ways, O God. Thank you for interceding for me. Also, thank you to the people to pray for us. We wait upon You, Lord. Pluck our feet out of traps and have mercy on us, Lord. Bring us out of our distresses. Forgive us. Deliver us. We wait upon You.
Yesterday, there was a change in my heart. I just let go and started trusting God. God, help me continue to do that every day.