Psalm 14 (15)
A psalm by David
O Lord, who shall dwell in Your
Who shall live in Your holy
He who walks blamelessly, and works
And speaks truth in his heart,
Who does not deceive with his
Neither does evil to his neighbor;
And does not find fault with those
Nearest him.
He disdains those who do evil in his
But he holds in honor those who fear the Lord;
He swears an oath to this neighbor and
does not set it aside.
He does not lend his money at interest,
And he does not take a bribe against
The innocent.
He who does these things shall never
Be shaken.
Commentary from the Orthodox Study Bible
Psalm 14 teaches the Church the transfigured life the faithful are to live as they “look for the resurrection from the dead and the life of the world to come” (Creed). They are (1) to be holy inwardly and outwardly and (2) to love their neighbor. And those who live this way shall never be shaken, either in this world or the world to come.
Psalm 14:1 is used in Orthros for the Feast of the Transfiguration.
This has been one intense week, but yesterday was beautiful. In the evening, we helped with a fundraiser for Bennet’s Village, an organization raising money for an all access playground so that kids with wheelchairs can play there, too. I was so happy for the organizers. They did such an awesome job. I loved the wheelchair basketball half-time idea when kids had a chance to try the wheelchairs. But what really touched me was The Star Spangled Banner sung by the choir students from the school where I teach. I was so happy for the director and for those kids. They did so well! I looked at the flag, closed my eyes, and thought, there is no where else on earth where I’d rather be right now. So grateful for that.
Thanks to those people who made a promise to be there and showed up. No student was forced to do that. They Wanted to do that because they were inspired by the cause. It’s easier to keep our word when we are inspired to do so. I am sure those kids and their parents were tired after a long week. But they said they would be there and they showed up. What a beautiful memory! Thanks to them!