What does it mean to love your kids? Does it mean to stay calm and loving under pressure? Does it mean to forgive?
To be able to forgive, I have to remember that I am a sinner in need of forgiveness as well. Forgive me, God. I didn’t know what a smartass I was until I started to reign in my tongue. I didn’t realize how much I wanted the verbal upper hand until I started to deliberately show kindness and respect to my elders. I didn’t know how impatient I was until I had to wait for my kids.
What does it mean to lay down your life for others? For me, it means in that red-hot moment to find your gold inside. Your golden voice. The firm, gentle voice of kindness and patience. Find that love under the fury. Speak from that. Moment by mom-ent. To me, that is love.
Press on, mom!