Are you celebrating Mardi Gras today?
There are reasons not to: the car crashes, international angst, personal pain.
My heart goes out to people hurting today. But I have also committed this day to joy.
We can find it in our hearts to celebrate even when we don’t feel like it. Desmond Tutu asks the Dalai Lama in The Book of Joy, “Why are you not morose?” You are a refugee. You hurt for other refugees. You hurt for war-torn countries. The Dalai Lama answers that he knows “that not only do we suffer, but so do many of our human brothers and sisters.” The writer Douglas Abrams adds that when “we recognize others’ suffering and realize we are not alone, our pain is lessened.” Essentially, we shift our focus from our pain to compassion for others.
Celebrating Mardi Gras for me is coming together with each other to rejoice despite our circumstances. As another refugee, Celia Cruz, sings in one of my favorite songs, “La vida es un carnaval.” As she tells us, our pain goes away as we sing, as we rejoice. We enjoy life despite the naysayers, the people who say it’s not worth it, that we are all alone. No, we have wonderful people in our lives, and we remember those who we love but are not with us. I remember the great people in Houston, my best friends, my church family, my people who feel like family. I thank God for the incredible people God’s put in my life here! Thank you. For unexpected surprises. For steps in the right direction. For Hope for the future.
But I don’t feel like it, Elena.
I get it. May I share another nugget from The Book of Joy? Psychologist Sonja Lyubomirsky says that only 50% of our happiness is determined by fixed biological factors. Circumstances and our attitudes determine the other half. We can become happier by reframing our situation in a more positive light, expressing gratitude, and choosing to be kind and generous. I think of Jordan Horowitz here. He reframed an awful situation by saying he was eager to give the trophy to his friends from Moonlight. He expressed gratitude for the chance to thank his family. And he kindly gave the trophy to the correct recipient, hugging him. That’s beautiful, man.
Life is a carnival. Let’s sing together.