In taking the time to rest, I can ponder questions like, what would be my best self? The best version of myself I can be? What kind of life would this person be living? How do I bridge the chasm from now to then?
To help me answer these questions, I get the privilege of being inspired by great women. People who are living their best selves. I think of the women in my family, of course. My mom, my sister, my aunts, my cousin. I miss my grandmas. They were strong and kind. I also learn a lot from older women in my life who are my like family to me. I think of Angelina and Emily but there are many, many more. Tonight, I am thinking of two women who I have been learning from lately: Crystal and Erika.
Both women are well respected and loved at my school. Both have strong classroom management skills and both are known for really caring about kids. Crystal ran the summer school program at my school. This year, we invited the toughest rising fifth graders with the goal of building relationships with them before the school year even started. Crystal set high expectations for kids, but she also modeled EVERYTHING. I remember how she modeled how to clap for others. She was also very much into growth mindset thinking, emphasizing the importance of learning from what’s going on and making adjustments. For example, she introduced morning and afternoon meetings and took out an unproductive part in the middle of the day. She was strong, funny, and caring, and I really look up to her. She also brought together a great team of teachers and we made it together.
Another woman I emulate is Erika. She is a world class athlete with a huge heart and fantastic teaching skills. But more than that, just like Crystal, she is real. She will tell you how she sees things. I feel really thankful to be able to learn from her. She is always happy to brainstorm together and be there when I am implementing strategies if need be. Just like Crystal, with Erika, you get the sense that she really wants you to win. To succeed. To get better and better every day. To persevere.
I am surrounded by positive, brilliant, and kind women at work, and I want to be like them. I want to take care of myself physically, emotionally, spiritually, and mentally. I am thinking of so many strong women at my school. Frankly, there are too many to name. I am fan girling a lot of the time, but I also appreciate that my perspective is valued. I want my students to feel like their perspective is valued, too, and they have people to emulate. I think of my wise and beautiful co-teacher, and I am so happy that she chose to be at our school. We are really lucky that for inspiration, we just have to look around!
Which also means I have to work on myself. Yes, I want to be the kind of person who lets her voice be heard. How can I ask my students to tell their stories if I won’t share mine? How can I ask them to be who they are unless I am actively trying to be myself and own who I am?
More pressingly, how can I use this rest time to build community within my own family? Today, we played Wits and Wagers, a great board game that kids of all ages can play and that my 4-year-old has won twice, today by a wide margin. This is the community building time that’s gonna carry us through the stressful beginning of the school year.
Can we take the time to talk instead of taking turns on the iPad? This is the time to rest together so that we are ready for new and exciting challenges ahead.
What does your best self look like? Hope you get to appreciate how wonderful you are already ❤️